Sunday, October 18, 2009

Trojan Vibrating Ring (Post 3 Nydia)

Trojan Vibrating Ring:
The ring is designed so that both partners can have a very pleasurable experience. The ring contains a small battery that is surrounded by a soft rubber casing. It can lasts up to 20 minutes, so it is best to not waste any time after turning it on. It has raised bumps to increase pleasure, it can be used without a condom although one always comes with it in the package (use it, promote safe sex =P, as an incentive I shall inform you that by the age of 30 50% of women will have had Chlamydia, don’t be part of that percentage! Guys wrap it up, Ladies protect your “goodies”) The condom provided is lubricated, contains no spermicide, has a reservoir tip and is rounded. Keep in mind you can use any condom with the ring so if you like the rippled ones then by all means use them. There are sadly some states that this magnificent device isn’t sold so do not go to the following because their laws prohibit the ring: AL, GA, TX, MS, LA, KS, CO & VA. Other than these states you can find the rings just about any store that sells condoms and on the website

The prices may vary depending which condom you are buying or if it is a 5 pack (you can never go wrong buying more). So you are looking at spending anywhere from $8.95-$19.95. Trojan condoms have been the #1 condom in America for over 90 years. They have made over 30 varieties of Trojan condoms. Trojan is manufactured by the Church & Dwight Company. About 71% of condoms purchased in United States drugstores are Trojan contraceptives. Young Rubber first manufactured Trojan condoms in 1920 however it wasn’t until 1930 that Trojan began using latex based materials. Trojan first started selling condoms in 1927 by advertising them in a magazine for pharmacists. In my FCS340 class we recently went over STD’s which is why I threw in the percentages of women having Chlamydia and last semester before transferring I had a professor about 60 years old who taught my human sexuality class, she would bring treats for the class all sex related and this was one of the treats she was giving away. Also she recommended it to the class after having used it herself & that just stuck with me because I didn’t think old people still got down. So I want to be like her one day (teaching human sexuality, not telling my students things I do) I think exposing people to different ways on making sex safe yet more pleasurable is a win-win in everyone’s book so try it if you think you might like it or are just curious.


  1. This thing was pretty cool for the ex...but ddn't really do much for me. It's cool though. I approve.

  2. I like all of the safe sex ranting haha! Sounds like a fun toy.

  3. I think I laughed out loud the whole time :) great article. Promoting safe sex while having fun is a win win situation if you ask me! Plus, with the amount of money people spend on condoms, 9 dollars isn't that much of an extra burden to have more fun!

  4. Well if you're going to have a fun "workout" you may as well go all the way right?

  5. Always we need some secure way having sex. Your article giving some useful tips. Thanks for your share. Online Condom Shopping Bangalore | condom combo packs online India
