Saturday, October 3, 2009

EZ Combs Not So Easy by Kathleen


EZ Combs is advertised as this comb that can "transform your hairstyle from ordinary to beautiful in just seconds." The makers claim that it "works on any hair type, holds hair firmly in place and is soft and comfortable." I tried this product once and I mean only once because I have an aversion to pain! They LIE when they say these combs are soft and comfortable, I put one in and I have fine hair so the comb did not have to stretch really far to hold my hair up and when I did I felt like my scalp was being pulled from my ears to the middle of my head. It was soooooooo uncomfortable!!! I immediately tried it with less hair and very little distance to stretch and still my face looked so pulled that my kids thought I was making fun of people in a wind tunnel. I thought maybe my head is really sensitive and tried it on my daughter's hair without stretching it very far. I made it loose for her so it would not hurt her, since she is five and on basic principle I don't like torturing my kids. She immediately complained "mommy it hurts, my eyes are stretching," at that point I figured this product was going in the trash.
It sells for $10 plus the shipping and handling off the internet and I bought mine at Walgreens and have seen the advertisements for it late at night on TV, for the same price as the internet price. They always looked nice and I thought it would be a different way to wear my hair up but it is soooooooooooooooo not worth it. It even comes with a DVD to show women different ways to use it, different styles to put your hair up but no style is worth that kind of immediate headache. In the actual ad it only shows pictures of the comb in, showing the back of the head, presumably to show the product. Most ads even when it is an ad for the back of a person somewhere there is someone smiling to show how happy the person is with said product. I can't help but wonder did they not do this because the women were grimacing in pain??

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