Blow Energy Drink Mix, by Dayle Brodkin
We learned in the video 'Merchants of Cool' that teens run today's economy. Marketing companies come up with products that appear cool, and usually have hidden meanings and messages. In the product Blow Energy Drink Mix there are NO hidden messages. Not only is the drink mix packaged in vials, white and powdered, but it also includes a mirror and fake credit card. This white powered energy drink mix is aimed at ultra hip older party-goers.
Around the top of the vial it says “Pure uncut Energy” at the bottom is reads “Warning do not snort blow.” The box has Blow spelled out in a white powder font so it looks like blow. Once you remove the plastic wrap the top of the box flips up to reveal some photos of hot chicks as well as some other images including a beeper, a roll of 100 dollar bills, and a Ferrari car key.
Logan Gola, creator of the drink mix, says his product "Blow is seductively cool, powerfully effective and our marketing is admittedly edgy."
Blow has two times more caffeine than most cups of coffee, and ten times more caffeine than a can of soda. One "vial" alone is equal to three redbulls! The Blow Energy drink contains 240 mg of caffeine, and 2,000 mg of taurine. The only good thing about this product is that it has no calories, no carbs, and no sugar. This product is only sold online, and depending on shipping can be anywhere from 2 to 5 dollars.
The Blow Energy Drink started controversy as it came onto to market because it was said to glorify the use of cocaine. The Food and Drug Administration released a statement that they would take legal action against the company if they did not change their image. They also stated the drink has not been approved for sales and is an unapproved drug, "intended to affect the structure or function of the body." This product is not the only product that has gotten criticism. In 2007, The Hershey Co. faced similar criticism when their mint packets looked a lot like the small bags used to sell crack and heroin.
All in all Blow is a rebel company who just does not care what other people think. This product disgusts me, from the name to the contents that come in the package. Why does an energy drink mix need to come with a fake credit card, and a mirror? The creator of this company has not only pissed off the FDA but also almost every parent out there. The company is using myspace and facebook to sell their products to children as well as adults. What's next? Candy crack pipes?
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ReplyDeleteGood thing groups are trying to get this stuffs packaging banned. Ridiculous product.
ReplyDeleteTo me this is just trashy, why would anyone want to act is if they are doing cocaine. I think it is focused on people who want the image of doing it but are actually too scared to try it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a horrible product! I can't believe anything like this would even exist, but at least it's good that I don't see if everywhere and advertised everywhere like Redbull or Monster.
ReplyDeleteOne "Vial" is equal to 3 redbulls!? I have one redbull and feel like my heart is going to jump through my chest! Plus, I've read about all the bad effects of these energy drinks and having 3 of them packed into one bottle doesn't sound good.
This makes me think about when I was a little kid,(5-8yrs old) there was a candy product that looked exactly like cigarettes, you could even get a few "puffs" of powder out of them. Its amazing what our capitalist society will do to earn money.