Sunday, September 27, 2009

VIA: ready to brew coffee

I chose VIA: ready to brew coffee as the product I would like to talk about. VIA is a new product that Starbucks is coming out with. It won't be available until September 29, 2009. It was developed by Don Valencia, who is also the creator of the famous frappaccino.
VIA is instant coffee. The difference between VIA and other instant coffees is that it is 100% natural coffee beans. There are no chemicals in it and it's not freeze dried. Don Valencia found a way to microgrind the coffee beans without losing the body and flavor of the coffee. It is ground so fine that it dissolves in hot or cold water. It can even dissolve in milk.
For those wondering if it tastes like other instant coffees, the answer is no. It tastes like a fresh brewed cup of coffee. This is because, like stated earlier, it comes from 100% natural, microground, coffee beans.
VIA comes in single serve packets. One packet is pre-proportioned for 8oz. of water. All you have to do is pour the coffee into the water, maybe stir a little, and then you have a cup of coffee. What's nice about it also is that you can control the strength. VIA comes in 3 packs or 12 packs. You can buy a 3 pack for $2.95 or a 12 pack for $9.95 at any Starbucks location. That comes out to be, pretty much, $1 per cup of coffee.
I feel like this product will interest people who have busy lives. For example, students. I know that sometimes I've had to stay up late finishing an assignement and then wake up early for school the next day. I leave for school an hour before school starts so that I can have time to look for parking; I don't have time to stop somewhere and buy coffee. At least with this product, all I have to do is bring a water bottle and some VIA and I can make coffee before or during class. There are also those students who have crazy class schedules and don't have time in the middle of their day to buy coffee, or the line is too long at the Freudian Sip to buy coffee during your 10 min. walk to class. Also, not everybody has the money to buy coffee everyday. At least with VIA, you can have 12 cups of coffee for $10. I know that sometimes students go to Starbucks to study, especially during finals, because it's a quiet place and when you start falling asleep you can buy coffee quickly. Well what happens when they close and you're forced to go somewhere else to study and try to stay up. With VIA, you can stay up as late as you want to and make coffee quickly. I have tried VIA and I can honestly say that I really like it. I like that I can have it cold and it actually keeps me up. I've had instant coffee before and it's like there wasn't any caffeine in it. It just tasted watered down.
So this is VIA and I think it's going to be very successful.


  1. I love coffee and this product sounds amazing! I'm excited to try instant coffee that isn't the traditional instant coffee crap.

  2. I like this. As a child, I used to make my father cups of Folger's coffee in the morning or whenever, and when I was old enough to drink coffee, I'd try it myself, and I tell you that stuff was disgusting. I currently bring crystal light packets of drink mix to shake into my water bottles during the day, but I'd love to get a coffee drink, something with caffeine in it, for that pick me up on days that are seeming to drag.

    This is a neat product, although I can see people thinking, it's expensive, or its just another kind of instant coffee, big deal. But from what you say, it really seems to have potential. I'm looking forward to giving it a try.

  3. The VIA instant coffee seems pretty good. I love coffee and this automatically caught my attention. It seems like us, coffee lovers will save us money and time. I definetly would try on my next visit to starbucks!

  4. I love coffe!I believe that VUA instsnt coffe would make coffe-on-the-go fun for a change, so long long lines at Starbucks! I would most definetly try this new way of coffe.
