I chose to blog about the Snuggie. I personally think this item is ridiculous, but apparently they are selling quite well. The Snuggie is a wearable blanket with sleeves made of "ultrasoft fleece" and is intended to serve as a portable warmth device. As far as I'm concerned, the Snuggie is only sold online at Getsnuggie.com for $19.95 (plus $7.95 shipping and handling). According to their official website, they are even offering a buy one get one free deal that includes a book light. Of course, you would have to pay two shipping and handling fees. The Snuggie now comes in more "fashionable" colors such as leopard and zebra print, black, pink blue, green and orange. Although both men and women are seen wearing multiple colors, it is obvious that black, blue, orange and green are the only male friendly colors according to traditional standards. I chose to blog about this particular object because every time I see this commerical I can't help but laugh. It seems like pure laziness would be the only motivation for purchasing this product. Running a heater in your home hardly racks up the bill they claim in the commercial. Plus, a conventional blanket will do the trick without a problem. I have come to believe that many people are interested in this product most likely for humor. Without a doubt, it is a humorous invention but I personally don't know anyone who owns a Snuggie. Maybe if I wear one myself and feel that luxurious fleece I'll change my stance on thisproduct!
I forgot to mention that this product is also geared toward girls and boys. Therefore, this product is marketed to men, women and children.
ReplyDeleteThis product is sold nationwide so other parts of the country where it gets colder I can see it selling as heating your home DOES cost a lot of money. My parents in Seattle pay around $250-300 a month for heat so if you could turn down the thermostat a couple degrees it makes a big difference. By the way thats only heating the house to 70 degrees.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to agree with Bart, running your a/c or heat is apart of the gas bill and it does cost a lot of money over a long period of time especially for those who live in winter-like climates. I think the snuggie is a creative idea because it allows one to have their arms and hands free but at the same time remain heated. The snuggie in my opinion is similar to that of a robe, except its put on backwards. I've seen many of the commercials and the product to me appeals more to the female consumer then that of the male consumer according to the traditional differences in choice of colors between the sexes. Most guys aren't into the leopard print designs, and must prefer solid dark colors like the blues, blacks, darker green and red colors. Everything these days to me is just a way for merchants to make money, they really don't worry about the quality of their products as long as their making revenue.
ReplyDeleteIntresting you say laziness.. i think a lot of the product being sold have that kind of attitude. Do less, feel cofortable just making us society as a whole just lazy. Until it ets to a point where we wont be able to funtion with out technology..its very sad if you think sbout it
ReplyDeleteI think its crazy to say "Running a heater in your home hardly racks up the bill they claim in the commercial" My family is in Boston and their gas bill is insane in the winter! My parents never put the heat over 60 and still paid well over 400 a month and we moved all our bedrooms upstairs so we only had to heat upstairs at night, making the downstairs icy cold in the morning. There are government assistant programs set up to help with the gas bill in the winter for low income families because it is well known on the east coast people were struggling to stay warm in the below freezing temp. (the choice between feeding your family or heating your home type of decisions) Last year an icestorm lasted over 2 weeks which cut electric and water lines. The snuggie is practical, I am guessing the "fashionable color choices" are just to give it some splash since I think we can agree the snuggie is the least sexy thing in the world. If it does keep you warm $30 is extremely worth it!