Nair hair remover is a perfect product for those who have more hair than they'd wish. It is a cream that you put on your body, anywhere on your body that might have hair, and you wait about 15-20 minutes and PUFF! your hair is gone. It is better than shaving because it does not leave razor bumps and it is less painful because you wont be able to cut yourself while shaving. your legs. It is not expensive, they usually cost between $5-10 dollars, depending which type of nair products you buy. What I did not know was that there is also a Nair hair removal for men. I thought that the men would use the woman nair product, but no they have one too!. But they shoould be careful, especially if they use it on their chest. Remember DO NOT get it on your nipples, it will burn. For men, it might be very uncomfortable to use on your face because the smells is gross!...but after a while you might get use to it. What I dont like about the nair hair removal lotion is that it smells really bad!....You should be very careful were you decide to remove hair, do not use it close to your genital...it might make the area bleed and it can be very painful!. If you really want to remove your hair from s sensitive area like your genitals, than use WAX!... You should do a test before using nair, to make sure that you are not allergic to the cream.
I actually decided to write about this product because I used hair in the past and I did not like it. It did not give me the results I wanted. Some of the hair was not removed and it irritated my skin. I use wax, and I am very happy with it. I think it is better then shaving or hair removal lotion. I think that this product is mainly for women, since they are the ones that remove hair from their legs, under arms, face, arms, and bikini area. But I didn't realize until I researched this product that men also use it. I thought that they just shaved any hair in their body they did not want.....
I also did not know that nair had a product for men but i can believe it because some men want hair removed just as much as some women. I have also used varies forms of this product and some similar to it. Most do smell horrible and once it actually burned my skin. But it is also hard for some people to shave because they can be allergic to the metal razors. It is interesting that people are so passionate about hair removal that they will go through pain to be rid of hair.