As I was searching for a new product to blog about, I stumbled upon a website for strange new products and what I found seems to be the silliest product i have ever heard about. Yes, there is actually a product that can garantee your admission to heaven. The sellers of this product claim to be the official Board of Heavenly Officials. They also calim that if for some reason you manage to not make it into heaven, there is a 100% money back guarantee. They offer two packages; The Essential Travel Kit ($12.79) and the All Access Travel Kit (15.95). Both packages come with an official Certificate of Reservation.
At first I thought this product was a joke, but apperently it has been mentioned on The Washington Post, CNN, USA Today, and other quite renouned media outlets. They even have A Facebook and Myspace. Wow, I can't help but imagine that there are people out in this world whom are likely to purchase this. Although I would never fall for a scam like this, The product itself intrigued me.
The same thing was going through my mind that it must be a joke. I just thought about the faith of these people and that they needed something like this to assure their afterlife. Interesting though to see that people could come up with such ideas and with a money back guarantee too, that was funny.