Coors Brewing Company has always claimed that they have the best tasting beer because they use the best ingredients. They select the best hopps and use water from the majestic Rocky Mountains. But what really peaked my interest is now they are advertising their cold activated bottles and cans. You can tell when your beer has reached its peak drinking temperature when the Rocky Mountains on the can or glass bottle label turns blue. If your can or bottle has white Rocky Mountains or some shade of light blue, it is definitely not time to drink your beer. They have even come out with cold activated glassware.
Coors can be bought and any grocery store or liquor store near you and the cost ranges from $4.00 to around $30.00 depending on how much you want to drink and whether you buy cans or bottles. The bottles are made of a brown glass. This is usually because the beer is sensitive to light and the darker glass protects the beer. The cans are an eye catching silver color.
I decided to add this to the blog because I found it interesting how they chose to market this beer by making the cold activated can and bottles. This new advertising technique seems to appeal to both men and women. I think it’s fascinating how companies have to come up new and innovating way to keep selling the same exact same product. While their products have pretty much stayed the same since the company was founded in 1873 they continue upgrading the advertising to appeal to the general public.
I've been seeing commercials for this and I think it's so awesome! I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I want to buy this just to see how it works. I can't remember if the commercials have girls in bikinis in them (I don't think they do..), which is a refreshing change.
ReplyDeleteLet me just say, as someone who has been to the brewery in Golden, CO that Coors has a legacy and they embody it just as good as any other beer company. Golden, CO lives for Beer, I was told while there that CO voted for their capital and Golden came in a close 2nd place. It is also impressive to see how beer is made, and even more impressive is the amount you can see packaged every minute; its mind boggling.
ReplyDeleteI will point to a commercial I remember when they started bringing this "blue activated mtns. can out" It was a scene between a 30s something couple in the kitchen, the guy had just picked up a bottle and said its blue, then the wife walks in and says "its blue," but she was talking about a pregnancy test! Kind of funny and almost as good as the currently running Heineken commercial where the guys get a walk-in refrig. stocked with heineken, classic I tell you.
Erik Jacobsen
Blue mountains, Yes! I love knowing when my beer is "as cold as the rockies"