This is the Honda FCX, it is the first production car that runs fully on Hydrogen. This means this car creates ZERO Co2 emmissions, its only by-product is water vapor. I'm pretty impressed by this as I'm a strong supporter of cutting back energy consumption and cleaning up the mess we have made in our environment. This car is only being sold currently in California and parts of Japan and isn't exactly cheap as the lease terms are 3 years at $600 a month! It can only be leased right now. But just like the Prius which was expensive as this new technology becomes easier to mass produce and more popular with the public this car will get cheaper too.
The car has an onboard fuel cell which can be filled up like a regular gas tank then goes through Honda's new fuel cell stack which transforms the hyrdrogen into electricity then passes it along to the fully electric engine which powers everything else in the car; from the air conditioning to the navigation system. Even the car seats in the car are made from plant materials not animal leather and as an added bonus the seats have built in fans which blow are out of perforated seats cooling down the passengers because nothing is more annoying then a wet back while driving. It produces 136hp and has a high reving engine up to 13,500RPM, best thing is it can go 270 miles between fill ups, it has a small tank but gets 68mpg.
Honda has always been a force in ingenuity leading the push for reliability, affordability, and energy efficiency. Right now producing hydrogen is still a polluting process because the process involves burning fossil fuels but I'm just waiting for someone to finally put 2 and 2 together and makes refineries that run off of hydrogen power as well so then hydrogen will be used to make more hydrogen. This is the future of cars and the sooner the better for us all.
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