Since football season has begun again, I am back to the thought that I want a Dallas Cowboy build a bear. I know this sounds like a silly chick thing, but I can't help it I want one. I think this item wasn't really geared toward women though, as a child growing up watching football I learned that it wasn't a common girl thing. I think this item I suppose to be for little boys who are being pushed toward sports. This is a great fascination of mine the toys that are for children, this one is for boys but for the girls they have the Dallas cheerleader bears.
When I look down the toy section, I like to look at the children's toys. The toys geared towards girls are always the ones that really upset me. For little girls they always have things like the life size kitchen and the little baby dolls. They have mini vacuum cleaners and tea sets. What is it about girls that screams as children please mold us towards cooking, cleaning, and being proper. Where boys get cool stuff like walkie talkies, action figures, Lego's, and tools. Their toys seem to be all about expanding their minds through building and being adventurous.
I like to look at toys, which I'm sure is strange but I don't buy them I just like to look at all the cool stuff that they have now that they didn't have when I was growing up. Now that I gotten completely off course though, the build a bear is cool and a cute way to support your team of choice. You can buy them at a build a bear workshop and you can get one at buildabear.com This toy is great because it gives you a lot of options and different ways to customize your bear. The bears range in prices starting at 12$ and going up, it depends on how much you would like to add to the bear.
I think your post is very interesting. I too find children's toys fascinating; The pink toys for girls and the blue for boys. One doesn't have to look hard for where people start becoming socialized into female and male. I like how you mentioned that you don't think that this product is necessarily made for a girl (since its a stuffed animal), but that since football is seen as a "boy thing" this product could actually be geared to a boy.