I am pretty sure that most, if not all of us have seen the commercial for SKECHERS Shape-ups. It is a new line of "fitness footwear" (sneakers) created by SKECHERS to promote physical fitness. The slogan reads, "Shape up while you walk." The website states that these shoes are designed to promote weight loss, tone muscles, and improve posture. On the web page there is a drawing of a woman and a man. There are bullet points on both the woman and man that pin-point in greater detail what these sneakers are designed to do. However, there are more pin-points on the woman than on the man. Is this because women's bodies are in greater need of improvement than men's bodies? The following is a list of all of the things Shape-ups are supposed to do for women: improve posture, strengthen the back, firm buttocks muscles, reduces cellulite and tones thighs, and firms calf muscles. Now, here is a list of all the things Shape-ups are supposed to do for men: improves blood circulation and tightens abdominal muscles. Is that it? Is this website saying that men only need to improve their bodies in these two areas? It seems to me that all the things listed for women to improve upon are things men can improve upon too, and vice - versa. This brings me to another question; how do these shoes promote physical fitness? The answer is right on the website: "Shape-ups feature a unique, soft, kinetic wedge insert and dynamic rolling bottom to stimulate walking on a soft, giving surface like sand. With the comfort of Shape-ups, you will feel your heel sink into the ground as you step, roll forward as your weight shifts to its center, and push off with your toes. This movement will result in stronger leg, buttock, back and abdominal muscles as you stabilize your steps." So, what is the suggested length of time SKECHERS Shape-ups be worn to workout? Depending on your fitness level, SKECHERS suggests that for the first two weeks, you curb your walking routine to 25-45 minutes per day. Additionally, there is a 5 minute instructional video about women's Shape-ups. However, there is not an instructional video for men. Although, SKECHERS has a men's line, are they implying that more women will purchase Shape-ups than men? Moreover, due to this implication, are they then advertising more so to women than men? SKECHERS Shape-ups come in a variety of different styles for both men and women, and can be purchased online at: http://www.skechers.com/ or in stores. The average price is $110.00.
Most all little girls enjoy watching Disney films like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and the Sleeping Beauty. I came across the ballerina sleeping beauty shoes when I was looking for something adorable my little five year old cousin would like. It’s funny how we consider items such as this adorable because of its hot pink color and shinny sparkles’. The shoes are slip-on ballet style flats and they are outlined by a polyester satin lining. It has a small pink bow in the front, which obviously is also made with sparkles. Inside one pair of the shoe there is the animation of Sleeping Beauty looking up at the clouds waiting for her prince charming. In the other pair the Disney castle is present.
ReplyDeleteEveryone can purchase the sleeping beauty ballerina shoes from Disney stores or online. The price of the shoes is $14.50 but they were on sale for $7.99. Walt Disney is one of the most popular corporations around, thus providing all children with a happy atmosphere. Disney has proved that everything they have established has been long-term, and even many adults enjoy the things Disney has to offer. From their cartoon characters, to all their Disney channel shows, they have created something that entertains all of us.
I chose to blog about these ballerina shoes because I find it interesting how we are conditioned to automatically think pink will make all little girls happy. I ended up buying these shoes for my little cousin and she absolutely loved them. I’ve heard from her mom she never takes them off, so obviously they were are big hit. This item objectifies the exact reason why our society classifies pink as girly and feminine and blue as boyish and masculine. I think parents really promote this idea from the child’s birth. I do think little kids are taught to like these colors, but then again sometimes I think it appeals to them naturally. It always fun to experiment these ideas by buying little girls something blue and little boys something pink.
I have seen a commercial for these shoes. I've tried on similar shoes like these and you can feel the difference in your posture. It takes some getting used to. I agree with you though on the men's vs women's fitness. I don't understand how it can only improve a couple things for men and more for women. On top of that, they are completely different health improvments. How can it improve circulation in men, but not in women? Isn't it the same shoe? Maybe they are targeting women because women seem to be more insecure about themselves, or at least they're more open about their insecurities. Also, it could be the possibility that women are seen as the "shoppers" so SKETCHERS is hoping that by targeting women, they'll get more sales. These shoes are pricey, but I guess how can you put a price on health, right? They're very interesting, and so is the idea behing them.
ReplyDeleteI only recently heard about these shoes. A friend of mine mentioned them when we were discussing jogging and wanting to get new athletic shoes. These sound like an interesting idea, but I would expect that it would be inadvisable to wear them while doing other exercises... it seems that they are meant for day-to-day walking around, not strenuous activity. And the price seems exorbitant, but maybe that's just me.
ReplyDeleteI heard and seen advertisements for these shoes on tv and radio. It sounds like an interesting idea to get this shoes for exercising. The only bad thing is the price, I think they are a little too pricey for shoes. Not unless they totally work then I would pay that price.
ReplyDeleteI actually happened to go to a shoe store a few months ago where they were promoting these sport shoes. I tried a pair out of curiosity and I had a hard time keeping my balance. Besides, I found them very bulky and odd looking. I do not remember the color of the shoe, but according to the picture in your blog it looks like it has been already decided that they shoes will target male and female buyers. I find your comments about the difference between the female and male exercising points in the body very interesting. It is true that women bodies have more fat, however, that should not be the reason for having to get read of it by exercising. Don’t you think?