We've all seen the commercials for products claiming to do things that are unbelievable. Well HeadOn is one of those products. HeadOn claims to rid you of headache through rubbing a substance on your forehead. How believable is this? HeadOn is available at most drugstores like CVS, Rite-Aid, Wal-mart, and Target as well as online. The average price is $8.50 for a 2oz glue stick looking migraine relief medication. The directions are simply apply where it hurts. This product is supposed to be applied to the forehead and only the forehead. As most of us know, medication can pass through a persons skin and into their bloodstream but this is the slowest way to get anything to your bloodstream the fastest is through injection and the second fastest is through oral intake. Popping an Advil when a headache comes along might be a quicker alternative to HeadOn.
HeadOn is made by the HeadOn and they also make HeadOn Medicine PM, Dry Eye Relief, and an anti aching applied medication. HeadOn claims to be safe and having no limits to the amount of times you can use it unlike other medication. HeadOn seems like a hoax to me and a waste of $8.50 but I've never actually used it and have never meet anyone that has so I have no experiences to relate my ideas on. I think that people might by this for their children if they don't like the idea of giving them pill form medication for headaches. (If you've never seen the commercial here it is on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_SwD7RveNE)
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