In society today we have become mass consumers of prescription drugs. Whenever there is something wrong, hurting, or just not right our doctors just fill out their little prescription booklet and send us on our way. So what is actually helping us? What isn’t? And what is just pro-longing our condition?
Deplin is a medical food that provides the body with folate. It works through a natural process in the brain to regulate neurotransmitters associated with mood. It is needed by depressed patients with suboptimal folate to regulate the synthesis of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. When taken with antidepressants, Deplin helps to improve benefits. Patients have noticed a difference after taking it for 1-2weeks, but the full effect may take 4 to 6 weeks. Patient’s notice and improvement in: motivation, initiative, alertness, concentration, mood, or sociability. It is a pill that is prescribed by your doctor; it should be taken once a day everyday along with a prescribed anti-depressant.
I am not trying to criticize this medication by any means. I am merely curious of its effects. I have never supported the pill train that our society rides on, but if it is something that helps someone or anyone I am all in. I have known people who have taken anti-depressants and have never seen any sort of improvement. So my question is simple, does Deplin really help?
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