The newest bra by Victoria Secret, Perfect One! They state “Perfect One Push-up for even more oomph!" Up to the size 40DD! It has seamless cups that give it the smoothest appearance under thin tees and there is no nipple show through, which is amazing! It has fabrics at the bottom & sides of the bra to give you support like no other bra before. The straps are specially designed to comfort your shoulders for optimum comfort. The fabric stretches at the edge of the cup hugging the breast and giving it a seamless look and there is no SPILL OVER (which is when it looks like your one breast is turning into two). It has three types of foam that fill in the gap between your bra and body, giving you a perfect shape. You can purchase this product at any Victoria Secret Store or order it through their catalog or online
This bra can run you $45-$48 each. FYI: Full coverage bras tend to be less. And let’s not forget they do have promotions at different locations from time to time so keep your eyes open ladies, or men if you are into seamless bras =).
Martha,Well as according to me it is really a nice bra to wear it gives the actual comfort level through the seamless cups.