So your sitting in class, and your phone is ringing and ringing and ringing and your professor is eying you, waiting for you to look at your phone and absolutely bust you in the middle of class. But wait, you don't have to! With the inPulse Bluetooth Smart watch you can "hide your addiction." This handy rechargeable watch wirelessly syncs with your Blackberry (the number two wireless smartphone provider in the world) and displays to you text messages, e-mails and incoming calls! Within a 30 foot range of your Blackberry you can see who is calling, who text you, who e-mailed you, view you messages, view your twitter updates and calendar alerts! So, how do you know when your getting a call or an alert? The inPulse has a built in vibration motor that alerts you for all the features of the device! What's more is it is customizable! You can set it to interact with your alerts, sleep notifications, and more! To pre-order this ingenious addiction enabler just go to

www.getinpulse.com and $150 later you are in the now. For those of us in the class who are old enough to remember Dick Tracy, his watch has nothing on this bad boy! A fully state of the art Lithium-Polymer gives this a 4 day lifespan between charges, but makes the most sense to charge it when you charge your Blackberry. Crackberry addicts unite! Our saving grace has arrived......NO MORE REACHING FOR THE PHONE TO READ E-MAILS AND TEXT! OUR LAZINESS HAS REACHED A NEW HEIGHT!
Wow !! I never knew about such an amazing item! i am all about it, i'm getting one.
this is a cool item. to bad i dont wear watches. also if the price was a little cheaper, then yea i would totally get one.