The object I chose is the Keurig Single-Cup coffee brewing system. There are six models but I would like to focus on the Breville system since it has the "full spectrum of features" that Keurig offers. The information I found on this product came from their website www.keurig.com
The Coffee Makers are supposed to make a single cup of fresh gourmet coffee in under one minute. This model has a "high-end" look with its stainless steel finish while also sporting a "64 oz reservoir with a built-in water filtration system to ensure that the flavor of your favorite coffees is consistently brewed to perfection every time." It has
a large water reservoir so the brewer will be ready to go. That kind of grosses me out that water is going to be kept in the reservoir longer than over night since it only makes one cup at a time. The size of the cup it makes is your decision ranging from six ounces to 12 ounces. More of this Brewers features are a retractable cord, auto on/off digital clock, temperature control and a dishwasher safe reusable k-cup filter. K-Cups are single packed coffee cups that you put into the coffee maker, which will punch a hole in both ends of the cup and brew your coffee. You can buy a range of coffee, tea and hot cocoa k-cup varieties from the website or use their reusable filter with your own ground coffee.

Keurig means excellence is Dutch and the company promises excellence and the do offer a 30 day worry free money back guarantee. You can return the product if you are not completely satisfied with it but the customer is responsible for the return shipping and a return authorization number is needed. So I guess as long as you do not mind spending the money and taking the time to ship the product back it is "worry free."
The Brewers are available on the keurig website but the first time I saw this coffee maker was at Costco, I have also seen them at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Macys and Sears to name a few. The Breville Brewer I featured costs $249.94 from the Keurig website, while the Mini Brewer is the smallest and cheapest Brewer which costs $89.95.
Important Retail information is the company does offer rewards through their coffee club where members get 10-15% off and free shipping when they purchase 4 or more boxes. The boxes contain 22-25 k-cups for $13.95 or you can buy sample 5 packs for $2.95. Their parent company is Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc; which has been awarded several times for their role in practicing business ethics. They talk about how un-environmental their k-cups are because the packaging they use now offers the freshest cup, but list a few things they are doing to try to be more earth friendly. A few of the efforts they listed are; researching alternative packages, "identifying the right definition of "environmentally friendly" as well as offering reusable filter cartridges.
I chose this product because I received one as a gift from my Mother last year and was appalled that she would buy me a coffeemaker that only brewed one cup. I also thought I had to buy the k-cups for it and it aggravated me that to use the product you have to buy more from the company, it would be like a gas company selling cars. I drink at least three cups of coffee a day and did not like the idea of only getting one cup at a time, however I did fall in love with it. I live with my boyfriend and he does not drink coffee so there was no need for me to make a full pot. I used to brew a little too much with my old coffeemaker which resulted me in either drinking more than I should have or throwing some away. Also my cat likes the smell of coffee as much as I do and she has burnt her whiskers on the burner of my old coffeemaker. So although this brewer is not exactly "environmentally friendly" it makes a quick delicious cup of coffee. So if anyone is looking for a coffee brewer that makes a really good and quick cup of coffee and that does not have a hot burner then this is a great product for you. However it is not so great when entertaining a large group of people. If ten people want coffee then it will take ten minutes and the first persons cup of coffee will be cold by the time the last person gets theirs. Other than that it might be worth it to try the sort of money back guarantee.
It's great for a college dorm, but like you said, not for a large household!