The latest installment of the hit blockbuster Halo series franchise was released earlier this week. This chapter of the series actually takes a step back in time and takes place between Halo 2 and Halo 3 to fill in the gaps in time between the to games for the player.
The game is so widely popular throughout the world that most people when they here the word Halo they don't think of a gold ring above an angels head but instead what comes to mind first is the most popular game of all time in which you are in command of a futuristic soldier in the fight to save humanity from an alien race which is threatening to destroy earth.
The Halo franchise is produced by Bungie game studios under an exclusive contract with microsoft meaning it can only create the games to be played solely on the xbox and xbox 360 gaming platforms. This is important to know because microsoft actually loses money on every gaming system they sell due to high production costs but since the xbox live community is so popular much in part due to the Halo franchise that they more then make there money back from yearly subscriptions to the xbox live community and from the sale of their licensed games.
This game sells in most stores that sell electronics throught the world today most notibly Best Buy, Game Spot, Target and Walmart. It sells for the usually price of a new release xbox 360 game which is $59.99 which is a little bit of change but considering how many hours of entertainment the usual person gets from a well put together game with a solid online multiplayer backing it far out weights spending $20 on a 2hr. long movie. This is sure to be a hit with any person how is a fan kicking back and relaxing with video games. I chose to blog about this product because I have actually bought this game already and spent some time on it and I can say that it is a lot of fun definitely one of those got to have items for the xbox system but it is a little on the short side. Its not ment to be a full length game as it is an expansion pack with most of the game developement being focused on the multiplayer aspect.
The game is so widely popular throughout the world that most people when they here the word Halo they don't think of a gold ring above an angels head but instead what comes to mind first is the most popular game of all time in which you are in command of a futuristic soldier in the fight to save humanity from an alien race which is threatening to destroy earth.
The Halo franchise is produced by Bungie game studios under an exclusive contract with microsoft meaning it can only create the games to be played solely on the xbox and xbox 360 gaming platforms. This is important to know because microsoft actually loses money on every gaming system they sell due to high production costs but since the xbox live community is so popular much in part due to the Halo franchise that they more then make there money back from yearly subscriptions to the xbox live community and from the sale of their licensed games.
This game sells in most stores that sell electronics throught the world today most notibly Best Buy, Game Spot, Target and Walmart. It sells for the usually price of a new release xbox 360 game which is $59.99 which is a little bit of change but considering how many hours of entertainment the usual person gets from a well put together game with a solid online multiplayer backing it far out weights spending $20 on a 2hr. long movie. This is sure to be a hit with any person how is a fan kicking back and relaxing with video games. I chose to blog about this product because I have actually bought this game already and spent some time on it and I can say that it is a lot of fun definitely one of those got to have items for the xbox system but it is a little on the short side. Its not ment to be a full length game as it is an expansion pack with most of the game developement being focused on the multiplayer aspect.
I truly love playing this game! When it first came out, I spent about 5 hours playing and it was very easy to lose track of time. I wish games for the xbox 360 were a bit cheaper--it seems like the only good ones cost more, compared to the one ones that retail for under 30.It is interesting to know that Microsoft had this contract about onlying using one system, versus several others. But it is not surprising that these big companies are finidnig other ways to make money from the consumer.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the best games ever I have the first Halo that game out and I couldnt stop playing the game Im just so interested in each level and fighting off the emergence of the alien race. Xbox and other companies now are making sure that certain games usually the popular ones to inherit contracts to prevent competition from making revenue for example Sony's PS3. I've played all the Halo series of games and they're all way cool