NuvaRing is a new easy to use birth control method, if used as directed it can be 99% effective. NuvaRing is a 2 inch diameter ring that is very flexible and easy to use. NuvaRing is as effective as the pill, however it is not taken every day. During a one month period the ring is placed in the Vagina, then it must be removed after a three week period. After 7 days a new ring is placed in. Once the ring is inside there’s a release of low dose of hormones (estrogen and progestin) in order to prevent pregnancy. Estrogen and Progestin are in charge of telling the brain to not release the hormones that cause egg maturation. Since the egg is not released through the fallopian tube menstruation cannot occur. After few days your uterus is back in order and you began your period. The ring is used the following month the same day used the month before. However it does have side effects such as, Vaginal infections and irritation, Vaginal Secretion, Headache, Weight gain and Nausea. If combined with other types of birth controls it can have more serious side effects such as; Depression , loss of hair and Nervousness to name a few.
NuvaRing can be purchase online or any Pharmacy around your area. However, you must have a prescription. If unable to purchase you can ask the doctor for a free sample. The price for NuvaRing without insurance can be around 40-60 per ring, with insurance it may be from 6 to 20 per ring. You may find cheaper prices in some stores such as target or Wal-Mart.
The reason I decided to talk about this product was because is something that is commonly talked about and its a product that sells a lot among women in the US. Retailers are making a great deal amount of money with these products because of the use of the product. I hear a lot of advertising on birth control methods, each trying to top off one from the other. I f you think of the price of the product and multiply it by the millions of women who use this, is a tremendous amount of money. Something else that caught my eye while researching this product is the amount of side affects it has, yet many women spend money on it. So it makes me think of society as a whole, we spend tons of money on products that are harming us. How far will we go? When will we stop? I feel other may be interested in the product because it my give them an idea of how this product works. And it could also make them think of the side affects if using NuvaRing or any other kind of birth control method before using them.
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