Mobigrip (Denise Paseman)
Let your phone hold you for a change! Mobigrip will protect your expensive and fragile toys from loss or accidental drops. This is marketed as a safety leash for high tech toys. The item is a circle with adhesive on one side and a mini bungee cord. Stick the gadget to the back of a cell phone or camera, and loop your finger through the cord to have a more secure grip on handheld devices.
Each Mobigrip retails from $7.95 to $9.95. The item comes in over a dozen colors and various prints, including animal and snake patterns. The circles may also be customized with pictures provided by customers, or with personalized text or company advertising.
You may also customize the jewel case packaging for the Mobigrip to match or complement the colors of your electronic items. The manufacturers note that they are made in the U.S.
Mobigrip plays upon fear of damaging or losing expensive gadgets. The text on the product website states that it’s almost like back up insurance for your items. There may be a warranty but I couldn’t find any information about one on the official site. I found no claims on the official site that would let consumers recover costs for an item that allegedly was damaged while attached to a Mobigrip. I speculate that it would be difficult to prove that accidents were the result of the item failing, and not user mishandling.
I read about this product in more than one article about new electronic items. It is not listed on major electronic retailer websites such as Fry’s or Best Buy. Buying from the manufacturer website would seem to be the best choice as far as availability and variety.
I don’t find any reason to criticize anyone who buys Mobigrip; the item is reasonably priced. I even believe that some people would remember to jam their finger into the bungee loop and hold their phone or camera more securely. I just dropped and broke my latest phone, and maybe if I had and used the Mobigrip I wouldn’t be shopping for a replacement phone. I have to wonder if I would consistently use the safety item. I suspect that I would in everyday life still juggle my phone between hands and shoulder while multitasking, and still risk dropping it. It ultimately seems like an item that might be useful, but like many things depends upon the owner to utilize reliably.
I decided to report on this accessory after noticing that it no longer seems to be enough to have basic no frills computers, phones, and cameras. Now we can buy brightly colored neoprene sleeves to protect our netbooks, decorative skins to cover our phones, and little
safety belts for our portable electronic toys. The item itself is not in my opinion designed more for women than men except for the variety of color and pattern choices which to me lean toward appealing to women.I guess that I am bemused at the ever expanding variety of accessories that are available. Some are merely decorative, and some might be useful, like the Mobigrip.
Interesting, people want to attached to their phones. I'm not that old, but wasn't it only 12-15 yrs. ago that pay phones were still the norm. Now people want to be attached to "their" world all the time. Very interesting.