Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Jet Away, Privately, With the Marquis Jet Card!

Perfekt Eye Perfection Gel: Fine Lines & Wrinkles..Blog 2

The product I choose to write about this time is call Perfekt Perfection Gel: Fine Lines & Wrinkles. First of all, according to the website, this product is a vitamin enriched skin perfecter for the delicate eye area. It comes in a 0.3 oz bottle and it costs $45.00 dollars at Sephora. This gel it's suppose to leave the eye area with a smooth, airbrushed finish and it can also be use as a primer for eyeshadow. The gel is made from a cucumber extract that is meant to relieve puffiness. Another fact about this product is that the "multi-tasking" formula also contains a light- reflecting tint that brightens tired looking eyes. After applying this product to the eye area it is optional to use concealer which could be a good thing to many woman!
This product comes from a line call Perfekt beauty which is meant for woman to perfekt the way they wear their make-up products. This product was created for the woman that don't have time to apply make-up in the morning or that don't want to wear any make-up at all.
The reason why I choose to write about this product is because nowadays in our society, people especially women are very self conscious with lines and wrinkles in their faces. As a result of this they go out and try to find products that will get rid of the wrinkles because they want to keep looking young forever. Woman in our society are used to seeing all those celebrities with perfect skins and therefore they think that's the way everybody else has to look like. Overall, I think this product could be use as a primer and plus it leaves your skin looking fresh and smooth.

Mobigrip (Denise Paseman)
Let your phone hold you for a change! Mobigrip will protect your expensive and fragile toys from loss or accidental drops. This is marketed as a safety leash for high tech toys. The item is a circle with adhesive on one side and a mini bungee cord. Stick the gadget to the back of a cell phone or camera, and loop your finger through the cord to have a more secure grip on handheld devices.
Each Mobigrip retails from $7.95 to $9.95. The item comes in over a dozen colors and various prints, including animal and snake patterns. The circles may also be customized with pictures provided by customers, or with personalized text or company advertising.
You may also customize the jewel case packaging for the Mobigrip to match or complement the colors of your electronic items. The manufacturers note that they are made in the U.S.
Mobigrip plays upon fear of damaging or losing expensive gadgets. The text on the product website states that it’s almost like back up insurance for your items. There may be a warranty but I couldn’t find any information about one on the official site. I found no claims on the official site that would let consumers recover costs for an item that allegedly was damaged while attached to a Mobigrip. I speculate that it would be difficult to prove that accidents were the result of the item failing, and not user mishandling.
I read about this product in more than one article about new electronic items. It is not listed on major electronic retailer websites such as Fry’s or Best Buy. Buying from the manufacturer website would seem to be the best choice as far as availability and variety.
I don’t find any reason to criticize anyone who buys Mobigrip; the item is reasonably priced. I even believe that some people would remember to jam their finger into the bungee loop and hold their phone or camera more securely. I just dropped and broke my latest phone, and maybe if I had and used the Mobigrip I wouldn’t be shopping for a replacement phone. I have to wonder if I would consistently use the safety item. I suspect that I would in everyday life still juggle my phone between hands and shoulder while multitasking, and still risk dropping it. It ultimately seems like an item that might be useful, but like many things depends upon the owner to utilize reliably.
I decided to report on this accessory after noticing that it no longer seems to be enough to have basic no frills computers, phones, and cameras. Now we can buy brightly colored neoprene sleeves to protect our netbooks, decorative skins to cover our phones, and little
safety belts for our portable electronic toys. The item itself is not in my opinion designed more for women than men except for the variety of color and pattern choices which to me lean toward appealing to women.I guess that I am bemused at the ever expanding variety of accessories that are available. Some are merely decorative, and some might be useful, like the Mobigrip.
Blog 2: Tickle Me Elmo
So what is it that made this toy such a craze? In 1996, this toy was selling for $28.99, where online it was being sold for as high as $1,500! Tickle Me Elmo laughs and vibrates when it is squeezed. In 2006, Matel introduced the "TMX" Tickle Me Elmo, Extreme. The TMX rolls around on the floor laughing, and hitting it's fist on the ground, as well as begging for the "tickling" to stop. Though there have been many versions of the Tickle Me Elmo in recent years, The most recent one came out in the holiday season of 2007. This holiday edition of the Tickle Me Elmo had hidden surprises of what the Elmo could do. Elmo would tell a riddle/rhyme and the child must do as they are told in order to make Elmo laugh, after abiding by all those riddles, there would be a surprise at the end.
The Tickle Me Elmo has gone on to make quite the empire, including many variations of the Tickle Me Elmo, Elmo's Tickle Hands, Elmo Live, Potty Elmo, Elmo Keychains, Shout! Elmo, Learn to Dress Elmo, Etc. The list goes on and on.
Elmo is a widely known character on Sesame Street, I do not feel he liked acording to a gender. Though HE is semed to be gender specific, his viewers and buyers are diverse in race and gender.
The GoGirl is a No-Go (Suzy Pasqualetto)
It's unique flexible design and medical grade silicone body makes it easy to carry in your purse (eww) and reusable (eww.)
The product's website describes it as being perfect for women who enjoy the outdoors.
And while this product may seem strange to Americans, our lady friends over seas have been using female urination devices for years.
But let's be real here...
It's a funnel.
And that wouldn't be SO bad, except that it's a complicated funnel.
The website for the GoGirl has some really interesting things to say when it was marketing, such as: "You won’t be like a man. You’ll just pee like one." How often does a product's marketers feel the need to reassure their women consumers that purchasing their product doesn't challenge their femininity?
Starbucks - Coffee
Starbucks – Coffee (Lana Altepter)
Starbucks coffeehouse chains seem to be on every corner in every major city, and within the last few years, can now be found in our grocery stores. When I am in the public domain I have noticed those who are carrying a coffee or tea, chose to get it from a Starbucks. It seems, as people’s lives get busier so does their need to keep moving, and stay awake. The caffeine in coffee or tea gives that morning jolt or afternoon pick-me-up that’s needed to take on the day. Their drinks come in three sizes and are made to order anyway you want. This pick-me-up can range in price from a 1.20 to 6.00 depending on what kind of drink you prefer.
The Starbucks Coffee Company started selling their deliciousness in a single coffeehouse in Seattle Washington. They currently have over 16,000 locations spanning from US and Canada to Japan. Starbucks is about to unveil a new line of instant coffee. They are also working on putting out 2 new applications for the iPhone that will allow customers to order their drinks and pay for them by phone. Starbucks also offers setup’s that allow business to offer Starbucks in break rooms or at catered events.
The reason I choose Starbucks for this spotlight is because of its popularity with my peers. Starbucks is a very pricey way to get caffeine. If I were to buy a coffee from there daily I would be spending over $30.00 a week on a beverage. And those of us who have a caffeine addiction have to have coffee every day, not just Monday through Friday. Starbucks doesn’t even seem effected by all the new energy drinks on the market.
Energy drinks are a cheaper alternative to the expensive coffee habits we have developed.
Although, every time I pass a Starbucks there is always a long line in the drive thru. I wonder how people can afford this cost in our current economy? Is this proof we are an overindulgent society?
Curl Defining Mousse (Nydia Torres)

The product I am reporting on is...
Pantene ProV has come out with a mousse that gives your curls flexibility and a natural look. Its purpose is to "hold soft, senuous curls or waves with definition and manageability." Pantene is always promoting its product for giving your hair that "healthy looking shine" that people usually go to salons to achieve.
It comes in a white container with a black cap and is labeled for curls. It i very easy to use just press down on the nozzle and the mousse which feels like a thick foam will come out. It is very to apply to the hair, dry, wet or humid. This mousse claims to even fight away frizz and fly aways. It can cost $2.50 on sale up to $4. The reason I am interested in this product is because I have curly hair and wanted to compare the current mousse I use with the leading competition. Even though the product does not specifically mention a gender as its target, the models in there ads tend to be just women. You dont see men in the ads promoting long curly hair that shines for days. You can log onto the Pantene ProV website
- http://www.pantene.com/en-US/index.jspx
The only issue I have is the quiz has question which may not be relevant to ones hair. Example it asks which problem do you have, build-up, dandruff or oiliness. Now I have neither yet I had to pick one in order to continue. It asks your ethnicity yet not what kind of hair you have besides fine, coarse or medium. It never asked do you have straight or curly hair.
NuvaRing (Laura Rosales)

Camel No. 9: Effective Advertising or Shameless Pandering?

Granted, No. 9 isn't the first, nor the most blatant attempt to attract the female consumer, but it is the most contemporary example. While this development began in the 1920s, it hit a peak in 1968, with the advent of Virginia Slims. With slogans such as "You've come a long way, baby" and "It's a woman thing," the company, Phillip Morris, overtly pursued the female market. Additional tobacco companies have also produced women-centered cigarettes.
Viagra: The Little Blue Pill That Could
Oh Viagra, is there nothing you can't solve? Often perceived to be the one stop solution to all of life's social and sexual problems, our nation, among many other industrialized countries, has perhaps grown too dependent on the drug. Whether it's to fix even the most dysfunctional, poisonous relationship, alleviate chest pain, or just to give a man a little extra boost in confidence, Viagra is a wunderkind of the medical field.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Halo Plasma Laser Tag Pistol

Blog 2

The Game Consists of 749 Red cards with person, place, thing or events on them and Green cards with a characteristic of a person, place thing or event on them, plus a few blank cards so you can personalize your game. There are a few variations listed on how you can play so the game truly never gets old. The basic way to play is everyone gets seven red cards, then a green card is flipped and all but the judge for that turn place a card facedown that they think represents the green card the best. The role of judge is rotated to the next person each round. The judge chooses the winning card (on whatever grounds they want) meanwhile the other people can try to persuade the judge. The winner gets the green card and whoever gets 4-8 cards first depending on the number of players wins.
This game can be purchased anywhere board games are typically sold; Target, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart or Online just to name a few places. The Suggested retail is $29.99 plus you can buy expansion packs of cards with 576 all-new cards for $21.99; however I play this game often and have not needed the expansion pack yet because there are about an infinte combination of cards that can occur. The game is published by Mattel but when I bought the game it was being published by "out of the box publishing" so I am guessing Mattel bought it out recently. There is also a junior version of the game for kids age 9+, a Jewish edition and a Bible Edition. It was named "Party Game of the Year" in 1999 by Games Magazine and the National Parenting Center gave it the seal of approval the same year.[i]
Here is a classic example of the game that happened last time I played. The green card is "powerful" in my hand I do not remember all the cards so let's say they are; rubber gloves, piranha, Jimmy Stewart, watermelons, Reading a Book, Fuzz and Superman-- I remember I had superman because that was the card I picked. I pick what I think is the obvious, superman. Well my friend was the judge and there were some substantial cards but she decided the most "powerful" card was the FBI... I threw a bit of a temper tantrum, how is the FBI more powerful than superman!! We are a group of people in our 20's girls and boys who were seriously debating this issue among many others.
[i] Information borrowed from Wikipedia
Post #1 Generation of Techonology
iPod is designed and marketed by Apple and launched on 10/03/2001. The product line up includes the hard drive-based iPod Classic, the touch screen iPod Touch, the video capable iPod Nano, and the compact iPod Shuffle. Former iPod models include the iPod mini and the spin-off iPod photo. iPod classic Models stores media on an internal hard drive, while all other models use flash memeory enable their smaller size.
Say you are listening to a song you really like and want to hear other thacks that go great with it. With the Genius feature finds the song songs in your library that go great together and makes a Genius playlist for you. You can listen to playlist right away, or save it for later. Finding exactly what you want to watch or listen to is easy. Use the click wheel to browse by album art with cover flow or navigative your songs and videos by play list artist, album, genre, and more. You can also search for specific titles and artists. Also, the vivid 2.5 inch display makes video come alive Purchase or rent movies, buy TV shows, and dowload video podcasts from the iTunes Store, then sync them to your iPod Classic to watch anywhere, and anytime. Furthermore, if you are looking for hours of fun at your fingertips. iPod Classic comes with three games Vortex, iQuiz, and Klondike and you can purchase games such as Cake Mania from the iTunes stores. To keep our special moment in our lifetime, iPod Classic uses iTunes to sync the photos you have in iPhoto on a Mac. You can view hoto slideshows complete with music and transitins on Ipod classic, or play them on a TV using an optional Apple component or composite AV cable.This product can be one of the bestfriend technology of teenager, young aldult, or retirement people. It can be a great gift for Christmas, birhday,... You can find any models of iPod at Apple store, Best buy, Walmart, Target, or you can shopping online at amazon.com, ebay.com,... for a good price for this product.
iPod Shuffle: 2GB 500 songs $59.00
4GB 1,000 songs $79.00
iPod Nano: 8GB 2,000songs/ 8 hours of video $149.00
16GB 4,000 songs/ 16 hours of video $179.00
iPod Classic: 160GB 40,000 songs/ 200 of vieo $249.00
iPod Touch: 8GB 1,750 songs/ 10 hours of video $199.00
32GB 7,000 songs/ 40hours of video $299.00
64GB 14,000 songs/ 80 hours of video $399.00
The reason I chose this product for shopping blog assignment because for my opinion iPod is not only represents one of the most wanted technology products of my generation., it also represents my generation's personality, lifestyle, and they way people express themselves.
Designer Jeans? (Irvin Burton)
Another problem with these so called designer jeans is that many of these jeans have holes and tears in them. It's almost like saying "Hey everyone, pre-ripped jeans!" This is by far the strangest trend I've ever seen; even for the fashion world. The fact that people are willing to pay those prices only reinforces the idea that Americans are materialistic and don't think logically. I'll continue to get my designer clothes from the clearance racks and I'll never intentionally pay over $50 for a pair of "designer jeans.
Designer Jeans?
Another problem with these so called designer jeans is that many of these jeans have holes and tears in them. It's almost like saying "Hey everyone, pre-ripped jeans!" This is by far the strangest trend I've ever seen; even for the fashion world. The fact that people are willing to pay those prices only reinforces the idea that Americans are materialistic and don't think logically. I'll continue to get my designer clothes from the clearance racks and I'll never intentionally pay over $50 for a pair of "designer jeans.
Excalibur Soundmaster iPod® Speaker Sytem (Mina Iqbal)

Monday, September 28, 2009
SIGG Loop Top Water Bottle (Thomas Wolfe)
You can buy a SIGG water bottle at quite a few retailers these days (including the CSUN Matador Bookstore) as well as straight from the retailer's web page (http://mysigg.com). The advertised price on the SIGG website is $24.99.
SiGG Switzerland is a company started in 1908 outside of Zurich manufacturing all kinds of products out of aluminum (mostly saucepans, frying pans and bottles).
I have chosen this product because it is very popular with many groups of people. Having a good water bottle is both practical and is starting to become very trendy as well. SIGG water bottles come in a variety of colors and styles and because of their high durability they are at the top of the market right now.
The Mind Flex (Chad Spindler)

I spent a long time thinking about something to write about on this blog I wanted to do something that was interesting and something that people could learn from. For my research I turned to my favorite study companion, the T.V. Half way through my research I came across a news channel doing a report on a new game called The Mind Flex. It’s a toy made by Mattel, to play the game the user uses a head set to send brain waves to a ball. The object of the game is to movie the ball with brain waves through different forms of obstacles. When a person puts the head set on and concentrates on moving the ball around the head set reads the brain waves and sends a signal to the console the ball levitates then to movie it around the obstacles you turn a knob.
When I saw this on T.V. then found out that it was coming out soon I was pretty impressed. I watched in wonder as a small ball was sent through a maze with only a person’s thought. The most intriguing thing about it is that with in a few years this technology will become more advanced and people will be able to do many things with their mind. It seems like a lot of technology for a child’s toy ages 8 and up but all new technology needs to start small. The Mind Flex game cost around $80 but good luck finding one, all the stores that sell them are sold out.
Louis Vuitton By Jessica T.

A world of "high life" and "high spending". If you wanna make a statement try buying a thousand dollar hand bag namely, Louis Vuitton(LV). This brand is the best of the best. This hand made leather bag all started with a french trunk maker in 1854, By 1888, he had his signature brown and tan checked pattern, and by 1896, the now iconic monogram appears and stays making the world of fashion an art. Today there only about 100 LV boutiques in the USA and they come in different shapes, sizes and designs. These high quality high demand handbags range in price from 650$ to several thousand. This bag in my mind is not just a look to impress, it is an art. I bought my first LV for my 21st birthday in fabulous Las Vegas. I was drawn to a bag in the window of the LV store in Cesars Palace "i just couldn't resist." I have been in this "high fashion" society now for a few years and have been working my way up the chain from Dooney and Burke to Coach to Michael Kors now to LV i will suggest buying this product but I am not telling you to go spend your rent on a purse but i am telling you that it is definitely a confidence boost and the pride one will have of carrying a unique collective bag is a good felling.
Shopping Blog #2: Benetint (Michelle Lapid)
The Benefit cosmetic line was first introduced in 1977 by twin sisters, Jean and Jane in San Francisco, when an exotic dancer wanted her areolas pinker and brighter. Their playful candy atmosphere theme and the mix of sexy and eccentric, this product lines caters to all women’s needs, making them feel sexy and beautiful. With the launch of the Benetint, their successful cosmetic line continues to grow three decades later.
I choose this product because I am interested in how much men, and especially women’s spend a massive amount of money on cosmetics and beauty products. Thus, other’s who also spend a massive amount of money on their appearance might also question why? With a culture obsessed with physical appearances and competing to look good, why is there an emphasis on such expensive products. Also, I wanted to question the different places where different cosmetics are sold, such as drugstores vs. a makeup counter at a mall. In addition, I believe that by marketing products to make one feel “sexy” or “beautiful”, are products a new identity that can be interchangeable for the self esteem we as a society lack? And if so, how much are consumer’s willing to pay to achieve that emotion or desire to conform to our culture’s beauty standards for a short time?
Pearl Jam's Backspacer (J. Moore)

The display was rather large for a single title; the entire endcap display was row after row of nothing but this CD, facing the customer as he or she steps off the escalator and approaches the electronics section, and where there were no CDs there were giant cardboard replicas of the album jacket. Having worked in retail before, I knew this kind of display as a “power” display-- a visual wall built from one title, irresistible to the customers’ eyes because of its size and repetition. Target is pushing this product, and pushing it hard. Even the music section of their website features this disc very prominently and is the first thing you see. The reason for this may be that Target, as well as the iTunes online store, are the only two major retailers that carry the album at this time-- all other major retailers will release it in the first half of October. It is very interesting that the band would agree to such a business deal, considering their history of scaling back commercial efforts (regarding publicity), releasing newer albums on their own record label, and boycotting Ticketmaster for questionable service charge practices. Some fans were upset by the Target/iTunes deal, calling Pearl Jam “sell-outs,” but it should be noted that independent record stores, as well as the Pearl Jam website, were included in the September 20th release date.
If there was any gender being targeted by this product and its presentation in the store, it wasn’t apparent. The CD cover is colorful and somewhat strange, featuring illustrations of both scientific and science fiction elements; while it most certainly isn’t packaged for the stereotypical female, and though sci-fi is often thought of as appealing more to men, I wouldn’t say the cover is strictly masculine, either. It represents the band and their music, and if the music just so happens to draw more male fans than female, so be it. It is what it is. It isn’t necessarily targeting one gender or another. Pearl Jam is such a big part of contemporary music history that I think the search for a fan base is well past relevancy. That’s what drew me to this product: the cultural significance of not the album, but of the band in general. No wonder Target is so eager to push this product-- it doesn’t matter if the disc is great or not, because people will buy it.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Axe deodorant body spray (Andrea Ippolito)

Bacon Soap (Jeremy Mills)

Now haven't you awoke one morning and thought to yourself "I know what I need... SOAP THAT SMELLS LIKE BACON!!" If you have indeed thought this, then I am truly afraid for your future. If you are like me, you see this product and are genuinely shocked at the decline of our society. I thought to myself, that this could not be a real product, and yet, IT IS!! The fine people at Perpetual Kid have brought this fantastic man product to the market for just a mere $5.99!!!! What is more shocking to me is that not only is this a product they sell, but it was featured on one of my favorite websites to frequent; Uncrate.com "a buyers guide for men." Uncrate is a website that specializes in the coolest gadgets, style and motor trends for men and the fact that this horrible product made its way onto a website I find to typically be quite adept at finding cool things for the modern man, I can not help but shake my head in disgust that we have sunk to this new low. And for all you nay sayers out there thinking that I have something against bacon; I say nay, nay... I do believe that bacon makes all food better. Emphasis on the food part.
K&N Air Filters
After searching for several items and deciding what item to choose I thought about something that would apply to almost everyone. If you have a vehicle you would know how much of a hassle it is to maintain our car in good conditions. For instance changing their oil every 3,000 miles recommended and other services. However this product that I am introducing is vastly effective and convenient. The K&N air filters begun in 1969. Ever since it was introduced in the market it sold about 30 million filters. The reason for that is that the K&N Air Filter not only adds horsepower but its reusable.
The K&N Air filter does not compare to the other filters. For instance other filters require you to change them every 12000 or every 12 months. That means you will have to constantly keep switching it. With the K&N filter starts off from $49.99 and up depending on your vehicle. The good news is that you will never have to buy one again. It is amazing its reusable! It can only be clean with the K&N cleaning solution. The K&N Air Filter main goal is to perform a preventive maintenance program. The benefit about this product is that it provides you with a 1 to 4 horse power gain and acceleration while giving you an excellent filtration. Many people would probably think that it is not necessary yet if you leave the air filter unclean the air filter can choke off the air intake and make a “rich” air fuel waste its gas. Basically after it loses its gas y0ur engine will lose its power. Later on within time will highly affect you vehicle. Once you try out the K&N filter you will notice the difference. It improves the gas mileage by 10 percent and the vehicle performs better. I thought this item would be beneficial for everyone that owns a vehicle. Buying the Air filters from K&N will save you money and maintain your car with high performance! Best of all it provides you with the K&N million Mile Warranty and it’s the world’s Best air filter.
I personally have bought this item for my car and yes it might have been a bit pricey but worth it! I mean how much better could it get an Air Filter that you only have to buy once! It is extremely convinient for both genders. One thing about the K&N Air Filter is that you are not wasting your money. Every car must receive the best products in order to give a good performance.
"BABY ALIVE" by Cristina
This doll is available online and in stores where toys are sold such as, Target, Wal-Mart, Toys R Us, Amazon.com, Kmart, ect. You can purchase a Whoopsie Doo doll for $29.99, not bad for a doll that does more than most! Your Whoopsie Doo doll comes with 2 diapers, 2 juices mixes, a bottle, rattle, a t-shirt for the doll, and four AA batteries. What you do if put the batteries in your Whoopsie Doo doll and when she's happy she'll coo and giggle. When the doll isn't happy she will kick and cry until tended to. When she is unhappy she needs a diaper change or something to drink. The online description says "Feed her or give her a bottle, and then get ready to change her messy diaper!" Now doesn't this sound like fun?
This product along with other Baby Alive products brings baby dolls to the next level. The Baby Alive line includes clothing, new diapers, costumes, food, highchairs, Feel Better doll, pajamas, meal set, juice, and much more. By purchasing a Baby Alive doll you will also be needing packs of diapers since she only comes with 2 and more juice so the doll will be "happy." When you run out of diapers and juice please remember that you can always take the batteries out!
The people that would be interested in this product would be children particularly little girls, mothers and adults, and high school teachers. Now hear me out, I could see high school teachers using these dolls for those senior baby projects. Those projects where two people are paired up and forced to take care of a child or something that needs a lot of attention and symbolizes a child. And of course this produce is geared towards little girls with the baby doll dressed in pink and only coming in a girl doll form and not a boy. Baby Whoopsie Doo is also supposed to interest mothers and other adults so that they will buy them for their children or their relatives. I think this toy is ridiculous and I would never buy something that would poop, cry, eat, and want my attention all the time unless I got some kind of real satisfaction out of it...like you get from a real child.
The Sedu Pro Ionic Ceramic Tourmaline Flat Iron By: Gabriela Henriquez
I like to add that this product is mostly inclined for the female interest but in our society today we see young men using products like this as well. For example, make-up and hair straightners like the Sedu Pro. In our society we dont expect men to be well groomed and they definitly dont wear make-up. Although we are seeing changes starting off with rock bands male members wearing the eye liner. Others straightning their hair or even curling it. Which lead me to want to show off my hair straightning product that I heard about the Sedo Pro.
Me personally I wouldnt buy this straigtner because it is pricy. I own a hair straightner that is less expensive works great and have had it for a while now. I think every girl and some guys can agree with me on the fact that a hair straightner was a great invention. I like how it makes my hair look and it dosent take me so long to do it. It may cause a little damage to the hair but if you dont use it as often you should be fine. There are different types of hair straightners for every type of hair and at different price range for what fits best with you. You dont necessarily need the Sedu pro Ionic.
The Boyfriend Jeans (Monica Neri)

By: Monica Neri
Boyfriend jeans are not only comfy-cool, they come in different styles, so you would be able to wear them for any occasion and not only on lazy Sunday. The average cost of this type of jean will vary from thirty to sixty dollars, looking great has a prize. This new fashion trend is great to those who know how to pull it off. Trust me you don’t want to look like a bum nor homeless. Yes, boyfriend jeans could be tragic, if and only if you know how and where to wear them. So please follow these helpful hits they are both rules and choices. Enjoy
· Rule: Turn them up at the bottom. Remember, this is a Spring-Summer 2009 look so you're not going to get cold from a bit of exposed ankle. And you're not going to communicate the 'oversized' message unless your jeans are turned up.
· Rule: When you do turn up the bottom of the jeans, they have to sit just above the ankle.
· Choice: Yes, all the celebrities in the above photos have gone for jeans which include the 2009's ripped jean trend. You don't have to.
· Choice: Consider what you're going to pair them with. One thing Kate Holmes did get right most of the time was to pair her boyfriend jeans with an overall feminine look. That's the one I'm preferential to; there is nothing, however, stopping you from pairing it with a tight fitting tee or hoody and really playing up the masculine role.
· Rule: If you do choose to pair your boyfriend jeans with other masculine pieces make them tight. You have to show off your feminine features otherwise you'll come off looking like a bum or, worse, a stoner.
Roomba (Ashley Doyle)
The Roomba unit is a disc shape, a little over a foot across, and comes in a grey or white plastic outer shell. It runs on nickel-metal hydride batteries that have to be recharged between uses. Depending on the model, it might come with "virtual wall" units that help trap the vacuum in a defined space. The unit is very robotic in appearance, and can be either obtrusive or nearly invisible while doing its work. The Roomba comes in several models, with many kinds of accessories, such as special cleaning brushes, remote controls, a programmable scheduler, the virtual walls, and a home base for it to return to. It contains a flash-programmed CPU so it can be updated with future innovations.
The Roomba is interesting to me, because it really fills the consumer culture fast-action NOW gratification. It takes care of the tedious work of running a normal vacuum cleaner over the carpet and contributes the job without needing human action. The downside is it takes a longer period of time to clean the same space than if an intelligence rather than a machine was directing the cleaning. However, since the human does not have to do the action, then it frees up that time to spend elsewhere.
The Roomba actually is something I would not buy. I suspect it is attractive to people who dislike cleaning chores, or who feel lazy about them (no offense to anyone who owns a Roomba). I like the satisfaction of a job well done, and to me the Roomba does not offer that satisfaction. It seems too easy to break, not to mention if I do the chore myself, then its done that much sooner, and then I can have my room space back. I don't like delegating chores to unintelligent machines that cannot make an informed decision, might break down, perhaps get stuck, and then I have to do it myself anyway.
The Magic Bullet (Cynthia Stewart)

VIA: ready to brew coffee
I chose VIA: ready to brew coffee as the product I would like to talk about. VIA is a new product that Starbucks is coming out with. It won't be available until September 29, 2009. It was developed by Don Valencia, who is also the creator of the famous frappaccino.
Olay Professional Pro-X (Roger Mac)