Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Jessica Tripp "The Banana Technology"

Banana Board Technology Has Created Big Buzz In Snowboarding Market

The comfort wipe is a new and revolutionary way to wipe your behind. Its 18 inches long and has a bend for more accurate wiping. This product was designed for elderly, people with bad shoulders, and overweight people. This product also makes it more sanitary. The toilet paper clips on to one end. After using you can dislodge the paper by pushing the top button. I first saw this product on youtube and didn't believe it until I went on the comfort wipe web site. The wiper was advertised on T.V. add as an infomercial. If your interested in this product there are on sales at for $19.95. The wiper can make a great gift for Christmas and makes a perfect stocking stuffer.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
iPhone pornography (Andrea Ippolito)

"Lil Monkey"
“Lil Monkey”
The “Cuddle with Me” baby doll is an collection of dolls which capture the different ethnicities belonging to that of the very diverse America. The “Cuddle with Me” baby doll is a soft baby doll with a furry cuddling animal friend. This doll comes in three different versions to one’s preferences in ethnicity, like that of the Hispanic, African American, and Caucasians baby dolls. The doll wears an adorable matching outfit with a hat and footies, along with other accessories for both the doll itself and the animal friend. This 12 piece set accessories is set to provide our “little girls” with the opportunity to have lots of fun for nurture play.
The “Cuddle with Me” baby doll is primarily sold at your local Costco merchandising stores for $24.99, but was manufactured by BrassKey Keepsakes. Costco is known for selling goods in big bulk for a reasonable price and has a wide variety of daily customers, however everyone isn’t happy with Costco’s’ choice of products. The big issue here is the real difference in the “Cuddle with me dolls” based off ethnicity. Costco release the African American “Cuddle with Me” doll, and I must say the African American population wasn’t too happy with the stereotypical image that was splash in their faces again. This doll came with a monkey as it’s cuddling friend and a cap that quoted “lil monkey”, which in our American history during slavery and racism showed that blacks were portrayed has being related to monkeys. Monkeys are beautiful animals and I don’t mine that its being represented as a friendly animal, but the fact that the Caucasian doll was sold with a panda bear and with a hat that quoted pretty doll there has to be and underlying racist issue.
Many people have spread the word about Costco’s headline big mistake and some people are so upset with the “Lil monkey” doll that some people claimed that they’ll never shop at this well known retail store again. In regards to cleaning up this mistake Costco immediately took this doll off the shelves for consumption and has made it clear that all three ethnicity dolls will come with the same clothing, slogans, and animals to prevent their name of being associated with racism. “You think”. Furthermore high ranking representatives of Costco and the manufacturer BrassKey Keepsakes made public sincere apologies to those who were offended by this doll. President of Costco question that of Mary Gustaff, the CEO of BrassKey Keepsakes on her view regarding the doll about being offensive and she simply stated that her organization don’t work in terms of being racist and its sad that this issues is considered to be purposely set up.
I thought that people might be interested in that not only goods are sought out to persuade certain genders but ethnic groups as well. Even though the world has tried to act like racism doesn’t exist in our world today products such as the “Lil monkey” cuddle with me doll shows that we just fail to realize it as a society. Representation of different ethnic groups when it comes to consumerism still portrays the “white society” as the preference or this model of what’s considered beautiful and or what’s admired. Where taught through advertisements of fashion that you must be fit, pale-skin, straight hair to be beautiful and this effects many young children when they look upon themselves who may or may not belong to the “white population”. I applaud those organizations who push for diversity when it comes to their target audience. Gender and the Postmodern conversation of beauty is learn and as long as we aren’t truly open to diversity and can’t treat each other equally we cant expect young children to do the same, after all practice what you preach.
For Image:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Minx Nails!!!!

The New craze this summer was Minx Nails. Everyone from Beyonce to Lady Gaga have sported minx nails on the red carpet. I found these interesting because its not nail paint, but a sticker like material that melts under light on to your nail. you can get them on your hands and feet. its kinda pricey but its worth it, because the minx stays on for like weeks.
Sephora Ultimate Blockbluster

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009
Touch of Gray (Melissa)

Just For Men“has introduced a new line for older men to “Comb away the gray hair that hides your energy. Keep a little gray to show your experience” Touch of Gray is the “first and only” men’s hair treatment that lets you get rid of some gray. It works gradually with an easy comb in and rinse dying process. These products target men over the age of 40 who need reenergize their life and/or their career. A marketing strategy Just For Men used was giving older men expert advice on how to jump start their careers. “beat the over 40 barriers”, “show your experience the right way” all with just the right amount of change. It comes in 5 different shades and can be bought at your local drug store, grocery store or online. In my opinion, age in our society isn’t something that we respect. The older someone is the less able they are to keep up with the busy lifestyles we live. This product gives older men that hidden “look” of still being able to keep up with the rest.
Shopping Blog # 3 TOMS Shoes

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Addicted to good food!

I'm a food lover. the food network channel is always on at my house, only cause I pay the cable bill. You can learn so much from the food network channel, and the food network website. I never really got the whole love for food till I stumbled upon this channel. It got me hooked. Not only can it teach you how to recreate amazing dishes but also where to go on dates or where to get great take outs! One of my favorite shows are throw down with Bobby FLay, The next iron chef, and Rachel Ray. Yes, Rachel Ray, she does it all! You can make everything out of anything on any budget! Almost every TV network provides this channel, it usual comes with the basic program. You can sign up for basic cable from Time Warner Cable for as low as $50 a month. The network is seen in more than ninety million households. In addition to New York City, it has offices in Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit and Knoxville, TN. This channel rocks, it's never boring, and always has something new and interesting! Check it out.
HeadOn - Apply Directly to Forehead Migraine Relief By: Cristina Taggart

We've all seen the commercials for products claiming to do things that are unbelievable. Well HeadOn is one of those products. HeadOn claims to rid you of headache through rubbing a substance on your forehead. How believable is this? HeadOn is available at most drugstores like CVS, Rite-Aid, Wal-mart, and Target as well as online. The average price is $8.50 for a 2oz glue stick looking migraine relief medication. The directions are simply apply where it hurts. This product is supposed to be applied to the forehead and only the forehead. As most of us know, medication can pass through a persons skin and into their bloodstream but this is the slowest way to get anything to your bloodstream the fastest is through injection and the second fastest is through oral intake. Popping an Advil when a headache comes along might be a quicker alternative to HeadOn.
HeadOn is made by the HeadOn and they also make HeadOn Medicine PM, Dry Eye Relief, and an anti aching applied medication. HeadOn claims to be safe and having no limits to the amount of times you can use it unlike other medication. HeadOn seems like a hoax to me and a waste of $8.50 but I've never actually used it and have never meet anyone that has so I have no experiences to relate my ideas on. I think that people might by this for their children if they don't like the idea of giving them pill form medication for headaches. (If you've never seen the commercial here it is on Youtube
Blackberry Smart Watch (Jeremy Mills)

Do it like a Rockstar!

Let's face people, we live in L.A! Mostly everyone gets coffee one their way to work or school. I would like to introduce to you Rockstar Guava! Rockstar as we all know is an energy drink, however, Rockstar Guava is 50% juice and 100% energy! Almost every energy drink has a weird after taste, but not this one. This energy drink gives you all the boost you need, without the crash. Some people experience jitters and anxiety from coffee, Rockstar Guava gives you all the energy without those side effects. You can easly buy this dink at any convenient store or gas station. Rockstar Energy Drink is available in twelve different flavors; Rockstar Energy Shots are available in two flavors. Rockstar Energy Shots contain 200mg of caffeine in a 2.5oz can, compared to Rockstar Energy Drinks 150mg (for the original 16oz can size), and the recommended maximum daily intake of 200mg. This drink cost $2.35 compare to you average cup of coffee of $3.50, you get a lot more for your money. In 2008, Rockstar was one of the top three energy drink brands in North America, having enjoyed 155% growth in sales in 2004, reaching $48 million and had sold over a billion cans. It had 14% of the US energy drink market in 2008, and as of 2009 was available in over 20 countries, in addition to the United States. Rockstar announced it would be switching distributors from Coca-Cola to PepsiCo in spring or summer 2009. Try this drink !! It's so delicious, so extraordinary, so not your usual cup of joe!
Reserve A Spot In Heaven (Cynthia Stewart)

Military Jackets By Monica Neri

Women: Ladies if the guys can do it so can we. There are different styles out there…so pick a style that helps your body shape and one you love. There are many colors and styles so take your time.
Women: For the ultimate in rock/gothic chic, skinny pants or shiny legging are the perfect accompaniment and with killer heels.
Men: Movies can also be seen as a heavy influence from The Crow including the Gothic ripped trousers and black boots and the metallic body combat suit, a similar cut to Christian Bale's costume in Equilibrium. Dark colors and you guys are done.
Men: Gentlemen you guys for the classic and elegant look go for the dark blue and the gold jackets. Put it with and grey or white shirt and some jeans and you are good to go.
Women: Ladies the military jacket classic look is white with gold or dark blue with gold and a splash of red. Gold and white military jacket with some blue jeans and some boots and your good, don’t forget to you accessories. As for the dark blue and gold jacket, a red blouse some dark blue jeans and some cute shoes and you’re good.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Glade Holiday Collection scented candles (J. Moore)

Target has a whole area devoted to it already, which is located right next to the Halloween costumes and decorations. Even grocery stores such as Ralph's have stocked up on boxed cards and the like; two weeks ago I purchased a 2-liter bottle of Pomegranate flavored 7-up that was packaged in a snowflake motif (which would have seemed random-- fruity drinks make me think of spring and summer, not winter-- had it not been for the fact that the flavor was seasonal and available for a limited time only). Also at Ralph's, located near their Halloween items and featured on an endcap, was Glade's Holiday Collection of scented candles.
The collection consists of six different fragrances: Bayberry Spice, Homemade Gingerbread, Hollyberry Wreath, Peppermint Crush, French Vanilla, and Apple Cinnamon. In addition to the candle shown above (which retails for $2.69 at Ralph's), the scent also comes available as a PlugIns Scented Oil, a Scented Oil Candle (decorative glass holder and refill packs sold separately), a Scented Oil Candles Tin, and a room freshening spray. The various candle versions come decorated with holiday themed graphics such as snowflakes, stars, and presents. The same sort of Christmas cheer is reflected on collection's portion of the Glade website (, which features young, attractive, J. Crew-esque Caucasian families.
The product doesn't immediately appear to be marketed towards women, but anyone who's seen the commercials can tell that they're the target customer base: In this commercial, a woman dressed in a classic black dress and string of pearls (reminiscent of a 1950s housewife) tries unsuccessfully to convince her group of friends that the candle she's currently burning isn't Glade, but rather "French... from France," giving the impression that the candle is comparable to sophisticated boutique products. Her friends, being more pragmatic than the comedic star of the commercial, know what the product is and laugh at her for attempting to lie. My first reaction to the portrayal of this woman as a butt of a joke is confusion-- why lampoon a character who purchases the product being advertised, especially one who is personifying the traditional image of a well-coiffed homemaker? Shouldn't the customer be shown in a more flattering light? But then I realized that the woman isn't being made fun of for discovering the product, she's being mocked for not already being in the know. Her sensible friends recognize the Glade candle immediately, even before they discover the label that has affixed itself to the main character's rear, and one gets the feeling that their understanding of how economical the product is doesn't diminish their appreciation of it in the least. These supermarket candles are the smart thing for the modern woman to buy; the main character and the importance she places on image and expense are silly. Accepting and openly acknowledging this product is the key to sense.
What I also found interesting about this old spot was that the featured fragrance-- Apple Cinnamon-- is also part of the current Holiday Collection; while some scents are seasonal only, this one (as well as the generic "French Vanilla") seem to have simply been repackaged for marketing purposes.
Note: I own the Bayberry Spice and Apple Cinnamon candles, and they smell very nice.
Post #3 Neutrogena Wave Duo
How to use
Simply attach disposable pad to attachment head. Hold power - cleanser under water to activate pad. Turn on by pressing power button. Gently massage overface, avoiding delicate eye area. Rinse face thoroughly and dispose of pad after each use.
The price for this product is $17.99
Right after I watch this commercial. I went to CVS store and bought this product. I thought it was amazing product for facial care. But the result was not my expectation. My face got so red and dry the next couple days. I have never used it again and it's still in my closet now.
The reason I chose this product for my assignment because I had a bad experience with this procduct. Another reason that it's not all the products on televison will be good for anybody as they told us. It will be good for somebody, but it will be not for others.
the new "superfood"ACAI fruit
The New “SUPERFOOD” ACAI fruit Blog#3
So I was at Robecks juice where my friend works and all of sudden a lady comes in and receives her ACAI smoothie. After the lady leaves my friend calls me and says that lady gets the ACAI smoothie everyday! I was shocked, and said really? I then told my friend that I heard about the ACAI berry supposedly it helps you lose weight. She then said that the lady herself had told her that after consuming the ACAI smoothie for a couple of months she notice some weight lost. I said to myself that makes perfect sense. Recently about 4 days ago I was browsing through the internet. I was in the yahoo page I quickly read something about Britney Spears trying everything to lose weight and the only thing that worked was the ACAI berry supplements. Spears announced this in some show and after her announcement the producers of the ACAI berry supplements were grateful. The ACAI berry has been the latest and greatest discoveries in the health industry. So far that I know of has been discussed in Oprah Winfrey show, CNN, ABC, CBS and The Wall Street Journal. Many celebrities use this product and it works. Best of all the ACAI berry supplements are 100% natural. The ACAI comes from the palm trees in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. It is dark purple and the size of a grape. It helps in the following: promotes weight lost, increases energy and stamina, fight heart diseases, diabetes, cancer and other diseases, boosts your immune system, improves your digestive system, improves your vision, reduces the effects of aging, and increase on sex drive. I love the fact that it all natural about 40% of the ACAI fruit is fiber that explains why it works so well!! I highly recommend trying this ACAI fruit or its supplements if you want to lose weight. You can find these supplements at stores like Walgreens and Costco yet they are not as effective as the ones from the official website. However let me warned you there are several spams out there!! Just go to I would definitely give this product a try why not? It’s all natural!
Post #3 Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000
For my 3rd blog post I decided to write about webcams, specifically the Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000. My parents got me this webcam so that we can see each other regularly even though we live far apart now that I’m in school. My parents grew up in Ukraine, so they have friends all over the world that they haven’t seen in over 2 decades. With the help of Skype and their Logitech webcam they can video chat for free and be able to see their friends as well. There are many webcams on the market and my family has gone through several brands in the past few years, but settled on this brand because of the quality of the image.
I think this product would be great for people with family and friends that live far away. People who have grandkids or other family that they cannot travel to easily would benefit from this product. Not only is this product useful for the average person to keep in touch with people far away it could also be useful to companies that have business partners in other states or even overseas. The quality is excellent and rarely is there a problem with the image or sound breaking up.
The Logitech website boasts “razor-sharp HD video” and automatic adjustments for the best video quality “Even if you make a video call in dim or poorly backlit settings, the camera will intelligently adjust to produce the best possible image.” The camera streams video in HD (720p) and takes pictures at up to 8 megapixels. This webcam costs $100 and can be found in most electronics stores and online. Logitech offers technical support on their website, although the webcam is very easy to use straight out of the box.
Baja Fresh Quesadilla (Jennifer Mendez)
I had just finished working out and I was sooo hungry. I went to Baja Fresh and ordered this delicious Quesadilla platter. Now, is this carb city? YESSS Did I care? NOOOO. While enjoying this food, I had an interesting thought about women and how we treat food. As I have stated earlier, I work out. What is the motivation behind most women who work out? While motivations may vary, weight is the most common. What is the motivation to eat for most women? While nourishment and energy are key, emotion is most common. Women are bombarded with so many images about how emotional eating is wrong and dieting is the best solution. Do women realize that dieting is just a transferance of their emotional distress? The media feeds women the idea that they are robots and not human beings. I'm tired of the media telling women that women cannot feel, women cannot eat, women cannot enjoy sex, and women cannot be selfish. These are all human wants that women have just as much as men do.
Marianela Diaz "Nair Hair remover" Blog #3

Nair hair remover is a perfect product for those who have more hair than they'd wish. It is a cream that you put on your body, anywhere on your body that might have hair, and you wait about 15-20 minutes and PUFF! your hair is gone. It is better than shaving because it does not leave razor bumps and it is less painful because you wont be able to cut yourself while shaving. your legs. It is not expensive, they usually cost between $5-10 dollars, depending which type of nair products you buy. What I did not know was that there is also a Nair hair removal for men. I thought that the men would use the woman nair product, but no they have one too!. But they shoould be careful, especially if they use it on their chest. Remember DO NOT get it on your nipples, it will burn. For men, it might be very uncomfortable to use on your face because the smells is gross!...but after a while you might get use to it. What I dont like about the nair hair removal lotion is that it smells really bad!....You should be very careful were you decide to remove hair, do not use it close to your might make the area bleed and it can be very painful!. If you really want to remove your hair from s sensitive area like your genitals, than use WAX!... You should do a test before using nair, to make sure that you are not allergic to the cream.
I actually decided to write about this product because I used hair in the past and I did not like it. It did not give me the results I wanted. Some of the hair was not removed and it irritated my skin. I use wax, and I am very happy with it. I think it is better then shaving or hair removal lotion. I think that this product is mainly for women, since they are the ones that remove hair from their legs, under arms, face, arms, and bikini area. But I didn't realize until I researched this product that men also use it. I thought that they just shaved any hair in their body they did not want.....
Marianela Diaz BLog post#2

My Blog is about the Infusium 23 hair treatment. I actually decided to write about this product becasue I use it. I used may other product before, like the leave-in-conditiners, hair spray, moose, and gel. But I hated the way it made my hair feel. So i tried Infusuim and I loved how my hair felt afterwards. There are several infusium products, there is the conditioner, shampoo, and the leave-in-treatment.
It is a liquid leave in treatment so it "spreads" a lot more on your hair. That is what I love about it. There are different types of treatment for a specific each type of hair. For example, if you have frizzy or damaged hair, from perm or dying you can use a (moisture)logie, or a (repair)ologie. I did not notice it before until I started using it, that many salons use this product and other similar products that "repair" your hair caused by harsh chemicals. By using all the products, shampoo, conditioner, and the leave in treatment, a person will notice a better result. I have noticed that many women and some men that have longer hair use this product. I think it is just easier to apply.
The bottle does not have much "BAM!!", in other words the bottle doe not have much in your face advertising. hahaha, It is just plain and simple but still a very affective brand, most stores carry it. Stores like Target, Kmart, Sears, and even some supermarkets.
Infusium is a Procter and Gamble brand which also have many other known products on the market, (Downy, Crest toothpaste, Pantene, Pepto-Bismol, and Gillete).
this is a link to the original post ( i had trouble posting it the first time and now I was able to post it in the anth308 blog)
Nutrisystem (Laura Rosales)

Loss weight guaranteed!!!! Nutrisystem is here to help you loss weight, Its easy as 123. Nutrisystem is plan to motivate you and push you into one day looking like your younger self. The way Nutrisystem works is you choose your plan and food by ordering it online next you get to enjoy the delicious food that is diliverd at your door and 3 you get to eat healthy and track your weight loss. You may wonder well what kind of products do the foods have that makes one loss weight well all the foods that are send have just the perfect amount of calories that you have to obtain for each day. However you still have to get fruits in vegetables fro you local food market. The NutriSystem is a full men u of foods from burger to deserts simply foods you just cant say no to. Everything is prepackaged portions which mean you will have enough portions in every bite to not over eat or feel starvation. NutriSystem also has a plan that focuses on over weight people with type 2 Diabetes. It is also a good diet plan for men.
NutriSystem is found online through their official website there you will find a variety of food plans for different kinds of people. You get 3 weeks of food for free. Then you can order the Food Package which is 329.95 with the auto delivery. If you want it delivered in a faster period of time you will be charged extra for shipping 18.95.
T he reason I decided to blog about this product was because of the way it was presented in the commercials. You see women happy and healthy trying to sell you the product. A comment one of these women said made me think to myself, you trusting someone to feed you something that you really don’t know what it has inside, yet your trusting them because it makes you skinnier. The comment was “ They send me stuff and I just eat it because I trust them”. Beauty and youth are put as something so important in our media now days it is obvious these product are having success with a wide rage of women, and as I mentioned earlier now men as well.
Monday, October 26, 2009

GodefroyMascara Warmer
This is a product to enhance the mascaras that readers own. According to the manufacturer's website, this item eliminates clumps in mascara and provides a smooth, professional application of the cosmetic. To use, plug in the electric unit and place the mascara tube in the warmer for five to seven minutes. Remove the mascara tube from the unit and apply to the lashes. You too may have longer, darker, curlier lashes for $19.95 plus the cost of shipping (mascara not included). I'm sure this product does what it claims to do: warm the mascara tube so that the cosmetic is more liquid. I don't know that this step is entirely necessary what with all the cosmetic companies claiming that their mascara is new and improved and have the best brushes ever, and some as we have learned even have vibrating brushes. In my mind, I shouldn't have to buy another product to use to put on makeup that comes with its own applicator. I could hold a tube of mascara under a blowdryer for a minute or two to warm it if I really had a great desire to, or even wrap a warm wet washcloth around the mascara for a minute. Both of these options use an item that most people already have in their bathroom, and eliminates making room for one more single-purpose item. The mascara warmer is relatively inexpensive so if consumers decide that this is something that they must have, the cost is minor. I find it interesting that a cosmetic product to enhance my lashes might need an accessory to make it work.
Hilary Clinton Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Body Glide by Kathleen
The first time I ever heard about this product was when I ran a 10K race 4 years ago, but the person who told me about it thought my son should use it so he would not chafe in the chest or more delicate areas. I figured I am the one wearing a bra, if anyone is going to have chafing problems it will be me, not him. We both tried it and now any run more than 6 miles he uses it because he does chafe, and any run over 3 miles I use it because no matter what type bra I wear, if I do not use it I will have lots of chafing marks. It truly does help, but the longer the run, it does need to be re-applied.
What gets me though is in its advertising and packaging this product seems to be geared more to men than women. The colors are blue, black and gray and the writing is a bold type. If one goes to their web site the first thing there is pictures of men playing sports. The pictures change and there are pictures of women doing sports but the first page the only pic of a woman is the bottom of her legs as she is dancing with a man. It is as though men in athletics is all important and women in athletics, not so much. When I am running I see more women than men running, and with the fact that we need to run with bras for support, I would think there is more of a need for female runners to use the product than male because a male does not need to use anything if it is a shorter run like a 5K and a female does. It is interesting to me that there are more women than men and so many women are participating in sports, I would think the company might want to celebrate that on their web site but they don't. They are missing out on a lot of business not tapping into the female athletic base. It sort of reminds me of basketball, the hoopla that surrounds male basketball, where women's basketball is there but rarely gets mentioned. How much press do the Lakers get compared to women's basketball?? ( I don't even know the name of one female basketball team but I can name off ten male teams and I don't even follow basketball)
Nintendo Wii

The Nintendo Wii is a gaming system that anyone from 5 years and up can play. Compared to the other major gaming consoles, the Wii offers more interactive play. By combining actual body movement, the Wii demands that the user actually get up and use body motions to control the game play. The Wii also is Wi-Fi enabled so you can play against your neighbor or someone from another country. Another interesting feature is the downloadable games such as classic video games from the first Nintendo console such as Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong. In addition, you can personalize your Wii by creating users similar to your body, and personal look.
I chose to blog about the Wii because a lot of my friends and family members have this console. I enjoy using the Wii because it’s highly interactive, and it’s a great way to pass the time with friends. I personally like the bowling game, because you don’t have to wear any “stinky” bowling alley shoes.
Nintendo has been one of the, if not the top, main companies producing video games. Recently, Sony and Microsoft appeared to be running away in the video game console war, but when Nintendo released the Wii in 2006, it revived Nintendo as the number one video game company.
The Wii is available anywhere electronics are sold such as Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and Target. It sells for about $200.
Others might be interested in buying the console because it’s a game system that you could enjoy with family and friends. Parents could interact with their kids with out felling that they can’t play video games with them.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Swifter "Baby Come Back"
Here's a link to one of the commercials:
Project Natal, star in your own games.

Project Natal is a gaming device microsoft has been working on for a while now and it's truly amazing. This little sensor reads your entire body motions and transfers them to the xbox allowing you to play the game completely in control of everything your character does. Whether it be racing or fighting it accurately displays everything you do. The product was initially displayed at the E3 video game conference which is the worlds premier stage for introducing video game material to the public. It takes place every summer and this was a blockbuster announcement by microsoft. No official release date or pricing has been set but it is estimated to be around or exceed $200 as it is the most advanced piece of virtual reality gaming to ever be released.
Friday, October 23, 2009
FLING Chocolate finger (by Montserrat R. Salvat)

Chocolate for women
A shimmering indulgent new chocolate truffle treat with under 85 calories per finger.
An image of FLING Chocolate came-up on my computer screen a few days ago while I was on the internet. The item is basically a candy bar wrapped in cute pink paper. According to the advertisement, Fling was created “to celebrate the female spirit; naughty, flirtatious, and alluring nature…” That alone was enough for me to post it on our blog.
What is a FLING?
FLING chocolate finger is a new product for women that consist basically of a truffle covered by a crispy layer of chocolate. Fling is supposed to look as glamorous as the women it is made for, and women who eat it are encouraged to “go ahead and be fabulous… go curly… lick the wrapper…shake things up… nobody’s looking”.
If that is not enough to convince women to purchase this new candy bar, the advertisement tells them to “have this chocolate in private… in the office, in the bedroom…” because chololate FLING women are spontaneous.
Fling is owned by Mars Snackfood US Incorporated, one of the world’s leading food manufacturers with more than $7 billion in annual sales from food, snacks, and pet care products. Some of Mars brands are M&M, Kudos, Milky Way, Dove, Sneakers, Uncle Beans, and Starbucks, among many others. Mars website claims that it uses sustainable cocoa and it is very proud of its legacy of chocolate making excellence. The company also ensures their pursuit to understanding everything related to the history of cocoa by making their chocolates in the authentic tradition. In my opinion, I think that the creators of this advertising campaign and all its "femenine" parafernalia cannot be serious. I also wonder if a real chocolatier would need to represent their female customers looking and acting is such a way…
And the best FLING chocolate goes to…
To my surprise, there is an actual blog of women on face book who eat and talk about FLING TM, and there is even a Fling’s Award! As I scrolled down the page, next to the picture of a beautiful model a text reads: “Lo Bosworth character's life style is all about indulging –nights out, dinners, gossip! That’s why FLING chocolate has selected her for its best Fling award!”
For those interested, FLING can be purchased at CVS pharmacies, Ralphs, K. Mart, and Rite Aid. It comes in three flavors: hazelnut, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate and the price is $3.49 per pack of 10 individually wraped chocolates.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ion TTUSB Turntable with USB Record (by Thomas Wolfe)

Especially for me (who has not only inherited a great album collection from my parents but have also bought a ton of records on my own), this is a fantastic device. I try to listen to my record collection whenever I can, but it's so much easier to listen to music on my computer. It's just a click away, and now my record collection can be that way as well!
The Ion TTUSB Turntable is the first of it's kind to be able to convert music to a computer readable format without any extra hardware or special drivers needed. This is remarkable because before this machine, you would have had to invest several thousand dollars into a setup to do this process. Instead, for the very reasonable price of $69.00 (, you can experience your old albums in this new format!
Ion is considered one of the leading digital audio and entertainment companies out there. They mostly sell to DJ's and the semi-professional to professional markets (Ion's website).

I find these ads to interesting( not because i used to work there lol) but because they are soo sexual and its really not saling a product but a message and a image. ads for there jeans, for example,the ad never shows the jeans just a body part, the person is always dismembered. Men's jeans, the ad always shows the bottom part of the man's body and for women the shows the women doing something sexual and you still cant see the jean. But this strategy seems to work for A&F for they are one the most popular brands. Their ads aren't so much saling a product, but a message, an image
Monday, October 19, 2009
Shopping Blog Post # 3 : The PowerMat

The PowerMat: Slim, Sleek Charging Mat for Home or Office
We’ve seen wireless charging solutions before– that is, pads onto which you can drop your drained gadgets, sans adapters– but Powermat’s system takes the cake, thanks to its green power distribution, smart design, and, best of all, support for laptops. Although it uses magnetic induction, just like the others, Power mat still made this budding technology prettier and more environmentally friendly. Wirelessly charges up to 3 Power mat-enabled devices simultaneously (plus one USB power port). Works with all Powermat receivers. Universal Powercube with 8 tips is included to enable you to charge hundreds of different devices.
• Home & Office Mat
• Universal, international power supply (Energy Star level 5, 100-240V) with built-in cord management
• Power cube Universal Receiver with 8 tips
• Charging Positions: 4 (3 wireless, 1 USB port)
• Dimensions: .625" x 12.25" x 4.5625" (HxWxD)
• Input Voltage: 100-240V AC, 50-60Hz Universal
• Output Voltage: 18VDC
• Output Current: 0.83A
• Standby Current: 0.011A
• Adapter Power: 15 Watts
Imagine a device that can charge all of your gadgets without the use of a plug and the discomforts of having to untangle wires just to charge a cell phone, camera, or even a laptop. Now you can do it all at once. Here is the solution to the never-ending problem of losing power while on the go. This product is great with college students who are always on the go and carry different gadgets. It is very portable, durable and useful especially with the fast-paced lives that students are living these days.
Versatile Design
The Powermat system doesn’t include just one product, but rather, a series of designs that cater to different lifestyles and, well, gadget choices. For one, there’s a classic mat onto which users can lay, perhaps, three phones side by side. Then there’s a three-way travel version, that users can fold up like a map while on the go. Finally, there’s a modular map, whose tiles users can unsnap and arrange any way they like. So, if you’re in a hotel whose desk has more length than width, you can stack the ties on top of– not next– to
each other.
The Powermat is reasonably priced at $99 per mat considering what comes with the mat and the luxury it brings to your fast-paced lives.
Where To Buy ?
The iRobot Roomba Vaccum by Alix T.

Ok, this isn't a new invention but I have always wanted one. This may seem silly but I like the idea of some type of robot following me around and cleaning up after me. I am a super slob and I think this might help, or it might eat my cat. They have pictures on the website showing it with animals and with babies so I'm sure it will work fine with my cat. Plus my cat is making a giant mess every time I turn around so that would also be helpful.
The only thing that probably keeps me from buying one of course would be the price. The Roombas price from $199-380. Now in my opinion that's kinda pricey for something that just cleans the floor.. and doesn't also serve me food or something else cool. Maybe if I had more room for it to actually clean it would be worth it but, until then I'm putting my robot dreams on hold.
I also like this product because it's not just a "chick thing" it's pretty sleek and can be considered manly. For all you other slobs out there that want to impress girls this might be a good idea. I hear girls are big on clean places.. maybe not me but I can relate to being a mess.

Perfect One (Post 4 Nydia)

The newest bra by Victoria Secret, Perfect One! They state “Perfect One Push-up for even more oomph!" Up to the size 40DD! It has seamless cups that give it the smoothest appearance under thin tees and there is no nipple show through, which is amazing! It has fabrics at the bottom & sides of the bra to give you support like no other bra before. The straps are specially designed to comfort your shoulders for optimum comfort. The fabric stretches at the edge of the cup hugging the breast and giving it a seamless look and there is no SPILL OVER (which is when it looks like your one breast is turning into two). It has three types of foam that fill in the gap between your bra and body, giving you a perfect shape. You can purchase this product at any Victoria Secret Store or order it through their catalog or online
This bra can run you $45-$48 each. FYI: Full coverage bras tend to be less. And let’s not forget they do have promotions at different locations from time to time so keep your eyes open ladies, or men if you are into seamless bras =).